There are 4 Basic Requirements for you to get your website up and running


As the phrase goes “content is king” this holds for every person who dreams of having there website setup. First you have to have the content for your website such as a logo, about the company, vision, mission, objectives, principles, services, contact information , Graphics, etc. At Elgon Webservices we have professional content developers who research and develop content for your company. Well developed content leads to a well developed website. Check out our content development services

Domain Name

Before anything else its important to find a name for your business which is the domain, its also imperative to register your business name. we have different top level domains for your business or organization starting from UGX 50,000/= per year you can get yourself a .com domain.

Hosting Space

Contrary to previous website development process where by you had to first develop your website offline and then host it, with the increase in internet connectivity, its very possible and convenient to host your website online and then proceed with the development process.

Website Development

After hosting your website, the final step is to find a developer or company to develop for you your awesome website. Check out our great website development packages

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